Departure by boat from Gujan-Mestras


Boarding of the La Hume pier possible between 05 Apr 2024 and 03 Nov 2024 .
tidal problems limit the supply of departures.
Timetable of departures from Gujan.

1. Future cruise(s) from La Hume from the Dimanche 09 Février 2025

No scheduled excursion le Dimanche 09 Février 2025.
(Program may not yet be available).

2. Future Marine shuttles from La Hume from the Dimanche 09 Février 2025

2a. Le Dimanche 09 Février 2025 one solution for Arcachon Taxi boat. Bateau Taxi

Going to Arcachon by embarking your bike allows you to return to La Hume by discovering bibe routes (10kM).

2b. Le Dimanche 09 Février 2025 one solution for Ferret Bateau Taxi. Bateau Taxi

Going to Cap Ferret by embarking your bike allows you to return to La Hume by discovering bibe routes (70kM).

3. Future special boat trips from La Hume

No more Special tour programmed from La Hume (Program may not yet be available).

4. Future special boat trips from Arcachon

(Jetey Thiers in Arcachon 9 km from La Hume).

No special boat trip from Arcachon (The programme may not be available yet).

☎ : +33 5 56 66 12 65.

Gujan and tourism


Gujan is located south of the Arcachon Basin, in the Pays de Buch. Considered the capital of the Arcachonnaise oyster culture with its 7 oyster harbours facing the Basin. Numerous leisure parks.


In 1726 the parish of Gujan had about 1,500 inhabitants. The cultivated part is relatively small because the inhabitants prefer to withdraw their subsistence from the sea rather than from the land. Fishing provides beautiful fish, and oysters and shellfish are still very abundant. Most of the parish is made up of moors that extend to Cazaux.
The cultivated part of Gujan is made up of ploughed land (wheat, rye, black wheat, maize, etc.) and vines located on the edge of the basin.
Difficulties of communication in the commune because of vicinaux roads too narrow the road that leads to Bordeaux is impassable six months in the year because of the floods of the Leyre. The railroad will change everything. At the time of the high seas, the waves beat the banks of the rising of the railway.

lous Barbots!

The Gujanais inherited the nickname of Barbot because their vineyard was regularly attacked by predators,
which we call Barbot.
By superstition they relied on the parish priest. Several processions marched in the reigns for
a blessing of the vines. This provoked the mockery of the neighboring communes from where, by derision, this nickname of “barbot”: «Hou! lous Barbots!».

The 7 harbors

La Hume

Fed by the canal that flows into the estey de la Hume, the port of la Hume sees the establishment of a few cabins of sailors in the second half of the nineteenth century. A central land on which are established 27 oyster farms, presence of a marina. Today, the port of La Hume, with nearby its beautiful and large beach lined with tamarisks, is a place of resort and promenade in the harmonious framework very appreciated since 2018 there is a boarding to make small cruises.


Established on the banks of the Estey de Meyran, for a long time it was only a port of stranding.
Dedicated to fishing and oyster farming, the port of Meyran served as a terminal, from 1919 to 1935, to the Decauville railway line, through which were conveyed the poles of mines coming from the Gironde and Landes forests.
Four farmlands are occupied by oyster farms.


This port was for a long time a stranding port established on the banks of the stream of Gujan which will flow into the Estey de Larros.
In 1883, improvements led to the creation of earthworks where numerous oyster-growing huts were established.
Creation in 1843 of the establishment of the Gujanais Baths which was a great success for 70 years.
The port of Gujan was also a very active sardine port with several canneries.


In 1883 and 1884, a 110-m-long dock was dug and a solid earth was built.
Between the two wars, Larros is an important fishing port that arms the boats for fishing sardine, abundant in the Gulf of at that time.
Several canneries then settled in the vicinity of the Gujanai ports.
The Port of Larros is also a recognized shipbuilding site.
Pretty jetty promenade that ends at its end with the Croix des Marins, erected in 1891. Small museum of oysters interesting, numerous tasting of oysters.

Le Canal

Originally, this port was dug by settlers of the Compagnie Ouvrière de Colonisation des Landes de Gascogne, in order to build the dike that led to the establishment of baths of Mestras, around 1850.
It was 10 metres wide and had a structure similar to a canal, hence its name.
With the development of fishing and oyster farming, it was transformed into a port, with the construction of a dock and a hunting basin, allowing a permanent flow of water to avoid siltation.
A second port in the west created a major oyster aquaculture complex.

La Barbotiere

Oyster farm with the Lycée des Métiers de la Mer and the Maison de la Conchyliculture.
In 1925, while the site is occupied by a dozen fishing huts, Jean PARSON builds a shelter for «lovers of cold bath».
Very quickly the establishment, called «La Barbotière» will give it its name. Today equipped with modern oyster farms, the activity of the port of La Barbotière is very important.

La Mole

Bordered by fish tanks, this port is no longer in operation because it has never been dredged and remains very difficult to access.
From the old water mill present on this port, you will find today only the remains of a millstone (En Gascon la Mole)