At La Teste-de-Buch (Gironde) the Exhibition Centre has just been transformed into a huge sewing workshop to produce hundreds of thousands of fabric masks against covid-19.
For this temporary factory, everything was installed in less than 48 hours.
Libero Mazzone, an entrepreneur at Teich, won a call for tenders to produce 600,000 masks.
A nearby hotel will open its rooms to seamstresses.
Since Wednesday 15 April,130 professional seamstresses or amateurs paid at the Smic are working on making washable fabric masks. commissioned by the Bordeaux metropolis, the agglomeration community of Bassin d’Arcachon Sud-Pôle Atlantique and the agglomeration community of Bassin d’Arcachon Nord.
The 130 sewing machines, offered by the brand Singer, were installed on wooden tables spaced from each other to respect the distances of sanitary safety.